Inger Johanne Aa Shealy ( - 40408633) is Hald international school student ombudsman. She can help if you have questions about your rights and obligations as a student or want advice or help in the study situation. The student ombudsman is independent, has a duty of confidentiality, also to the school. All enquiries are treated confidentially. It is free to get help or assistance.
Feel free to contact her if you:
• have questions about your rights and obligations as a student or want advice or help in the study situation.
• Want to report harassment. The Student Ombudsman can help you look at the opportunities you have and the consequences these can have for you.
• Are suspected of cheating. The Student Ombudsman can look at the case and, if necessary, assist you (as a neutral third party) until you are entitled to legal assistance (covered by the school).
• need assistance in the process of applications or complaints to the school. The Student Ombudsman can read through drafts and help you to find out what is most important and relevant in your case.
• need assistance at meetings between you and the institution. The Student Ombudsman can participate as a neutral third party.
• have challenges as a student and do not know where to turn. If the student ombudsman is not the right person, she can help you find the right way forward.
• have a case and find that you do not receive a response from the school.